Monday, October 29, 2012

CSA Share #20

Wow holy cow. Life seems to be racing by at snail speed. I know...right?

All the little moments are so easy to miss, but they're so worth savoring.

Okay, so it's definitely fall. Here we go:

CSA Share #20
- 1 napa cabbage
- 1 bunch green onions
- 1 bunch turnips
- 1/2 lb spinach
- 1 butternut squash
- 1 bunch collard greens
- 1 bunch carrots
- 2 heads garlic

CWTC: squash! I adore squash. I love it. Seriously. It's joined my smaller decorative squashes on the ledge and is adding some much-needed autumnal cheer to my living room :) Hopefully it will keep until Thanksgiving...
TAV:  Collard greens. I'll be honest. I've only ever seen these cooked up as a side dish at Cracker Barrel (which I really miss, by the way). Drowning in bacon flavoring and cooked almost to the point of unrecognizable mush from frozen collard greens, I really can't say I ever took a liking to them.
The collard greens did throw me for a loop at first, but they turned out delicious. Plus, they look so pretty when fresh! I also learned a new technique for cutting up my greens. I've actually learned a lot of little tricks and techniques in the kitchen this summer/fall season and its always nice to have one more trick up my sleeve just-in-case.
WTF: None, really. Maybe carrot tops. I GIVE UP. Carrot top stock turned out to be quite disgusting (at least, for me). I have two frozen Ziploc bags of chicken soup with carrot top infused broth in my freezer and I can't, for the life of me, bring myself to even consider reheating them up. Sigh. I have lost the battle with carrot tops. I really need a compost heap. >:\

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