Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stockpiling chicken soup for a germy day

I've been dealing with a nasty cold for the last few days, which means I haven't had the appetite for cooking or consuming vegetables. This is unfortunate, since I have so many of them piled up in my fridge.

I dutifully washed and froze all the carrot tops, celery leaves, and parsley that I thought might come in handy for soup-stock, along with a little pile of chicken bones, but that was all I had the energy for. I reheated frozen chicken soup for dinner instead, and hoped that the bones and stock ingredients would hold up for one more week in the freezer.

Times like these, I'm really glad I had the foresight to stockpile frozen Ziploc bags of chicken soup in my freezer. Homemade soup is always so much better than the canned versions.

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