Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vegetables 1, Haters 0

Chefs Put Down Roots (WSJ)
I can't decide if this is awesome or Division of Labor gone all wrong. Whatever! Farms be gettin some press and people are becoming more thoughtful about what they eat and how their food gets to their tables. And that is definitely awesome :)

Also, my roommate (teasingly, I hope) told me yesterday that the reason I don't have a boyfriend is probably because I post photos not of me, not of cool places that are like-worthy, but of vegetables. And hitchhikers in my share (I don't think he was pleased by the appearance of our little earthworm friend this week).

He might be right (he really probably is right). But one of my friends in California just messaged me and told me that after seeing all my photos of vegetables, she got curious about what exactly a "CSA" is. She looked it up and decided it was a great idea and is now looking into some near her area. WIN!!! This alone makes all the effort of advocating for more food awareness and talking up CSA's and posting photos of veggies completely worth it. I might be a loser, but hey. At least I'm proud of what I like. No shame.

I should note that this ability to stand up for what I like is a skill that has been a long time in development, as I tend to have questionable taste in music. A lot of good natured ribbing about my love for TSwiftie, Tristan Prettyman, kpop, straight up sugar pop, and country and all the other hated-on genres of music that everyone loves to hate and secretly listens to in the privacy of their earbuds has led to some pretty thick skin :)

So there. Take that all you haters. Today is a vegetable win day!

P.S. I'm doing some serious damage on this lettuce. And the purple beans were fun to eat :)

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