Wednesday, June 20, 2012

CSA Share #2

This CSA run, I'm happy to report, went much more smoothly than the last one. No rain, no getting lost, got back to the office in less than 45 minutes, #winning, etc.

This week:
- 1 head of bok choy
- 1 head of escarole
- 2 stalks green garlic
- 1 bunch flat leaf parsley
- 1 napa cabbage
- 1 head red leaf lettuce
- 1 bunch salad turnips with green tops
- spring onions
- garlic scapes

I've decided to do a weekly roundup of the highlights of each share...
CWTC (can't wait to cook): This week's CWTC award goes to the turnips. For some reason, I've always been fascinated by the idea of turnips and turnip greens. I think one of my favorite books had a main character that lived off of turnips and bread for a while, but I can't really remember. It seems like the most plausible explanation for my mild obsession, considering my mom never cooked turnips. I remember really wanting to eat a turnip in high school, so I convinced my mom to buy one for me. I cooked it and took a bite, but it was awfully mushy and tasteless. Maybe it was not in season? Or maybe I cooked it wrong? Oh well, I'm still fascinated by them and very excited to cook and eat them. Fingers crossed that this attempt goes better than the last one!
WTF: parsley. What do I do with an entire bunch of parsley?!? I looked up recipes, but all I could find was parsley pesto or parsley soup, and I don't own anything that can puree parsley. :( I feel like it's just going to wilt into sad oblivion in the back of my fridge, which is a shame because it looks so fresh and lively...
TAV: The adventurous veg award this week goes to the garlic scapes. To be honest, I've actually eaten these before many, many times, but I didn't recognize them in their fresh, raw form. I've always eaten them as a Korean side dish called 마늘쫑 반찬 (maneul jjong). But seriously, these are my favorite. Even when I couldn't stand spicy food, I would fight the peppery taste just to relish the texture and taste of the garlic stems. I think I like eating stems in general, because I also like eating sweet potato stems. Hmm. But anyways, fresh garlic scapes are so cute! I'll post pictures when I get a chance.

While I was picking out my produce from the crates of vegetables, I saw another bug (a fat, snot-colored, slimy-looking caterpillar) in a head of Napa cabbage. The man in front of me, who was acccompanying his girlfriend/wife/very good friend, spotted it and amusedly said, "This stuff really is organic isn't it?" Haha...

Free Bird Farm doesn't grow organically certified veg (partly because certification is a hassle, especially for smaller scale organizations and farms), but they do note that they try to stick with organic methods as much as possible. So yes, it is essentially organic. And the sad reality is that organic veg has a higher probability of ending up with frequent live protein supplements embedded in it. Yeck.

Fortunately, I don't think I have any bugs in this particular share (though I might be sadly mistaken). I'll find out when I get around to washing my produce. I just haven't had a free minute all week (thank you work), but none of the produce will go bad in a day or two, so I don't feel too bad about leaving it to languish away in the chilly depths of my fridge.

Preview for the next post: unless I get some free time to cook, my next post will probably be about the field trip to the farm! Every year, my CSA organizes a trip out to the Free Bird Farm, where we get to meet the farmers, tour the farm, help harvest a little bit, and get to know everyone. I guess this is the most visibly "community-esque" part of the CSA experience and I'm really excited. The trip is on Sunday from 7:30am (eek!) to 7 or 8pm. It's an all day trip since the farm is located about 4 hours away by car, so it'll be quite a drive. I'm looking forward to napping the whole time. I haven't roadtripped in a while and this might be just what I need. I've been feeling really closed in and claustrophobic from all the buildings lately, so a little fresh air and countryside should help with that. Plus, I'm going home (to Arizona) in a week too, so that should help as well. YAY!

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