Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beets and BBQ

What a lovely weekend full of friends, swimming, and lazy lounging in the sun :)

I contributed my zucchini, beets and lettuce to the BBQ this weekend and the reactions were interesting, to say the least.

As always, people were politely interested in the idea of a CSA, and I doubt most of them would go the extra step and sign up for one.

However, when it came to eating the vegetables, a very clear divide emerged. Reactions fell squarely into one of two camps:
1. Yes, please!
2. Is anyone going to actually eat that?

Interestingly, perhaps unsurprisingly, almost all the girls fell into the first group, while almost all of the guys were firmly in the second camp.

We lost a few slices of zucchini to the coals, but the rest disappeared pretty quickly. Beets also disappeared pretty fast. We ran out of coals, so the beets were more like gently-warmed beets than grilled beets, but they were still quite tasty. I didn't even know you could eat beets raw until this week. o.O

The guys, for all their earlier scoffing, were intrigued and I saw more than one person tentatively trying out a beet slice, probably for the first time in their lives. Very amusing and I managed to use up my CSA share and get other people to cook my vegetables for me. #winning :D

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