Thursday, September 13, 2012

CSA's at work + WSJ article!

!!! The WSJ posted an article on CSA's at the workplace!

Workplace CSA's in NYC

Love the article, wish my company would start up an initiative like this. I bet there would be a lot of interest. You know what would be even better? Being able to allocate a certain portion of Seamless dollars or health care benefits towards a share.

I like the whole idea of divvying up shares on the spot. Definitely understand the dilemmas faced by the share-splitters (for example, how exactly do you split a watermelon three ways?)

I split a share with a friend at the moment, but I pick up the share and she picks up her half from me later that evening. The problem is, I'm still at the office when she picks it up, so things like lettuce heads or 1 eggplant or 1 large onion become a bit difficult to split. And I don't exactly feel like carting in a large kitchen knife every Tuesday to my office. I feel like that would draw less than positive attention my way.

In any case, I hope awareness of CSA's continues to grow and I hope companies realize that this is a great, effective, and cheap way to keep workers happy and healthy :)

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