Monday, May 14, 2012

Crazy work weeks

If I have more weeks like this at work, I have no clue how I'm going to balance picking up a CSA share and dealing with washing/chopping/cooking my portion. Every day, I've been getting home past 3am. The only respite I had was the weekend, where I managed to at least sleep in until 11am on Saturday and noon on Sunday. Still stuck at work until the wee hours though.

Don't get me wrong - I knew it would be like this before I started my job. And I don't mind, most of the time. But it's making me a bit worried about the summer/fall with regards to the CSA program.

When work gets really crazy, not only do I not have time to handle even basic daily responsibilities like laundry, I don't even have the appetite to ingest anything beyond caffeine, sugar, caffeine, and more sugar. Stress and lack of sleep wreak havoc on my body and I become unable to eat anything that's not a simple carb. Even the type of simple carb degenerates from fructose to glucose as my stress levels mount. I have a stash of perfectly decent apples, bananas and pears at my desk, but they go untouched in favor of cookies and chocolate.

When things calm down a bit, I'm going to take some time to think of things I can do in advance to keep myself from feeling pressured by joining a CSA. Buying tupperware en masse might be a good start.

Also, I'm planning on moving out from my current apartment mid-July. Trying to figure out if this will be an issue. I don't think so, because I'm always at work during CSA pick up times anyways and the pick up location is close to my office. If I pick up my share during work and bring it to the office, I imagine I can hold onto my share and just take it home with me later. I'm glad I picked a CSA close to work so that relocating doesn't have as big of an impact on my ability to pick up my shares.

I wonder what people do if they sign up for a CSA share and then have to move halfway through the season?

Also, how do people manage to hold down a job AND feed a family / deal with kids? I can't even take care of myself properly. -__________-

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