Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fruit of my Labor

More accurately, vegetables of my labor. Haha.

I touched on the reasons why I started looking for a CSA in my last post, but I forgot to mention which CSA I ended up with after all my research!

I ultimately decided on Turtle Bay CSA, which partners with Free Bird Farm. They offer a vegetable share for $500 plus a $15 administration fee, along with fruit shares, eggs, and chickens. I restrained myself from signing up for everything, but only barely. If I cooked more regularly than once every two weeks, I would definitely consider signing up for the other shares. Plus, given that this is my first CSA experience, I thought it might be smart to try out the vegetable share first and see how that goes.

I looked through the Free Bird Farm blog with posts on last summer’s weekly produce offerings, and it seems like you get quite a lot of veg for the $$$ you pay. For $500, you get 22 weeks worth of produce, which could easily supply a family of four. That's about $6 per person per week. Not bad.

I love good quality produce and I'll eat a lot more vegetables than the average person in a week. Still, even I can’t eat that much veg in one week, so I persuaded/coerced my lovely roommate into splitting a share with me. :D She’s pretty appreciative of fresh produce as well, so it worked out great.

CSA sign ups are in February and previous CSA members get first dibs on shares. Fortunately, there was still room for new members, so I signed up as soon as they announced the extra space. We just sent in our check for the vegetable share. I’m so excited! The prospect of fresh produce is making me positively giddy. Produce nerd right here, what’s up.

No but seriously, I can’t wait. It’s been a dreary, if mild, winter. Good thing we have cute pictures like this:


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